
The absence of peace when writing means the absence of a focus.
According to Kathleen Cali, focus is the feature of
effective writing that answers the question “So What?” An effective piece of writing establishes a single focus and sustains that focus throughout the piece.
What are you writing about lately?
Why are you writing it?
What point are you trying to prove?
What story are you trying to tell?
One of the worst things that anyone can read is a story or an essay where all the points just kind of run together. Nine times out of ten, the reader will walk away feeling like they just wasted their time. Readers want to learn something new about reacting or processing their way through a situation similar to the character in the story that they are currently reading. They want surprise, an emotion or a thought that they can apply to their lives.
Sounds like a lot of responsibility for someone who just wants to tell a story, huh?
Well that's the point. We all have a responsibility to communicate hope to someone else. Not many people do it, or do it well.
But you call yourself a writer. You owe it to yourself to seek peace -- and you owe it to your readers. Find a peaceful time of day, or a peaceful place and write with focus. It's your responsibility to tell your story and to answer the "So What?" in your own way.
Get still.Your next project is worth it.